Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another one down!

Another Christmas has come and gone. We had a super nice one. Lucas was sick last Christmas, so I was crossing everything I could cross that this wouldn't happen again this year. Especially since Lucas had had a cold for over a month and ended up with an earinfection just a week before Christmas. But Lucas was fine and ended up having a blast.

Christmas eve is when we do a lot of Danish traditions that I grew up with, and we open one present at a time. Since this was really Lucas's first Christmas where he really got into it, it was really hard to keep telling him to slow down. But we did set a new record for how fast you can open Christmas presents.

I really like this picture of my mother in law. She just opened our family picture we gave them.

Christmas Day we went to my inlaws for some more eating and presents. Lucas was really tired by the end of Christmas Day, and he's still trying to catch up on his sleep - poor guy!

We've really enjoyed the days following Christmas - we haven't done much. Just a lot of relaxing, a bikeride to the park (since we had over 60 degrees one day), some more eating and watching the first season of Grey's Anatomy.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Glaedelig Jul!

Jeg vil lige onske alle en rigtig glaedelig jul samt et velsignet nytar! Vi har lige fejret juleaften med en hr. Lucas som var i vaeldig hopla. Han kunne ikke fa gaverne abnet hurtig nok. Sa jeg tror, at vi har abnet pakker i en ny rekordtid.
Vi har givet familiemedlemmer et familiebillede. Dette er vores forste familiebillede som vi har faet taget, sa det er vel lidt pa tide.

Jeg har flere billeder jeg gerne vil dele fra julen, men de er stadig pa kameraet, sa maske i lobet af de naeste par dage....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008