Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Racer In The Making

As some of you know, my hubby loves his mountainbike, so I guess it's only natural that he wants his son to do the same.
So with no further ado - please allow me to introduce to you the newest member of the Gary Fisher's 29'er crew - my sweet kiddo :-)

A Dane in Town

I'm a member of the Danish Club in St. Louis, and in a recent newsletter they said that a Dane was coming to town to give a carillon concert. For those who don't know what a carillon concert is, it sounds like this and here is another one to show you how they actually play . The guy giving the concert - Peter Langberg is from my hometown. My little hometown - Logumkloster which has a population of about 7000. Yep, pretty small.
I also sang in the local church choir which his wife at the time was the director of.
He still lives in Logumkloster, and in Logumkloster we have this tall tower where he would give weekly concert when I was a child. When we go back to Denmark in August I'll take a picture of the tower.
The concert lasted an hour, and like in the first youtube video, you just sat on the lawn and listened to it. He was sitting in this tall tower playing.

And it was no big deal that Lucas was running around and not being too noisy - it was just a very relaxing atmosphere.

(I had to a couple of times go chase him down though )

Oh, and the place where they held it was absolute beautiful. I could have stayed there much longer just taking pictures, but I'm sure Lucas and Dwayne wouldn't have thought that that would have been so much fun.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I love our backyard. We've been working really hard at making it a place that we want to relax and enjoy. We started out with nothing! That's right, the owner's before us had grass, a dirt area where their dog ran around and a dog house. We're pretty stoked about how it's all coming together.

One of my favorites is the firepit that Dwayne made. I love to cook our meals there and just enjoy the outdoors.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Jubiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, saa har vi kobt flybilletter til Danmark. Vi ankommer i august. Vi glaeder os saadan. Det bli'r saa dejligt at se familie, venner og ja, bare mit land igen. Denne gang har vi taenkt os at tage meget til havet. Det er ikke noget vi bare lige saadan kan gore her - med mindre vi har lyst til at hoppe i bilen og kore 12 timer ;-)
Og ja, saa bli'r det da ogsa dejligt med en masse godt mad, og jeg glaeder mig til at skal i fakta, brugsen, fotex og hvad butikkerne nu hedder.
Kun sma to maaneder!