Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Today we went for an ultrasound to see how baby boy is growing. He's growing great. He's about 2 lbs and 4 oz. He's in the 57th percentile for weight. That made me so happy. I want him to weigh as much as possible when he's born. Because the bigger he is the faster we can start the surgeries he needs.
I met the heart doctor a couple of days ago. He's still very positive that he sees the pulminary arterie which means baby should only need two surgeries. His first before he can go home. He will need a shunt put in which is gonna keep the blood flowing to his lungs until he gets bigger. He can get his 2nd surgery when he's 12-14 lbs, which is around 6-12 months of age. So the bigger he is at birth the faster he can get #2 surgery and get that out of the way.

A little picture of him and his chubby cheek. It does look like he's starting to add on the baby fat. (Click to enlarge picture.)

After our appointment at the hospital Dwayne and I went to Cotton Babies to look at their cloth diapers. I used cloth diapers with Lucas, but they have improved so much just over the last few years. I'm really excited about cloth diapering the new baby.

All in all a great day.


tracey said...

amazing what you can see already. glad he is growing well.
kudos to you on the cloth diaper

Janell Biermann said...

Little sweetie!! Too cute, Bettina! And what a lucky little guy to have cloth diapters on those other chubby cheeks! :O)

Krista P said...

Great news!