For any of you ladies who have been pregnant you know how you get two monitors on your belly when you are in labor. That's exactly what they did today. One monitor for the heart and one for contractions. I had to be monitored for about 30-40 minutes. They want to see the baby's heart rate go up and down. Just like ours do when we do something that makes our heart rate go up and then come back down.
When they first hooked me up, the baby's heart rate was pretty steady, not what they wanted to see. I was ordered to drink some water, and that got the baby going. His heart rate went anywhere from the 140's to 170. I probably sat there for about 30 minutes and I was free to go. Oh, and there was no contractions :-)
At work yesterday they threw me a baby shower. I've been eying up a jogging stroller, and they consulted with Dwayne (without my knowledge), and got the one I had been looking at. And it's awesome that it came with the car seat too, that way I can use the stroller right away.

It was a very nice surprise that I didn't expect at all. I also got a cute little outfit for the little man, and I got an outfit too. It's a perfect outfit for after I have the baby. Very casual but very comfy.
Great surprise!
I think weekly monitoring is get to keep an extra close eye on the little guy!
And how awesome are your coworkers?!
so sweet of your coworkers. it is a nice stroller and carseat.
i too hope to run once the baby is born to shed some lbs!
I had to have those NSTs every week with Madeleine at the end... she would never cooperate so they would have to use the little buzzer to get her going. Then she would be moving too much so I would have to wait until she settled down before I could go. Bring some good magazines with you :)
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